I'm in tears everyday. There's no one to tell. There's no one who cares. There's no one who knows. There's no one who loves.
My father's look-alike was sitting on Pierre Plantard's lap, the Priory de 'Zion,' in the book Holy Blood, Holy Grail, that was given to me for Christmas in 1992. At age 2.5 to 3 years old, I was raped by a vicious vampire named 'Donna Rice,' with her finger, that made me sick with 'Graves Disease' ALL OF MY WHOLE LIFE. It was 1959, the year the Dali Lama was FORCED to leave Tibet, and I am a Taoist, who lost her 'country,' love, marriage, children, family, simple joys, and karma, for a whole lifetime, too... (Is this not the Illuminati, taking over the world, with child-rape, magnetic theft, and from the Magdalene and Jesus, and doing it with belligerent RAPE, of babes, no less, so they can continue to hold MATERIAL 'world power' with rape, and maintain themselves as 'ruling,' hateful imbeciles ? ?)
From what I have experienced SINCE 1992, and seeing the photos in Holy Blood, Holy Grail there are TWO MAIN BLOODLINES that the Illuminati USES: One is 'James,' the brother of Jesus, and the other is the 'Magdalene's,' that seems to be the one that there is the most FIGHTING OVER, especially 'feminine' jealousy, and an inability to come to BENEVOLENCE and PEACE amidst the 'royalty claims,' because worldly power and money are attached to the claims of their 'goodness,' and genetic manipulations, by marriage, over the centuries... Everybody thinks they are the 'good side,' even if they DO rape children, to find out why their Illuminati paradigm of 'following behavior' has caused them to fail in WORLD RULE and WORLD OWNERSHIP... (see my website for further explanation of my HB,HG photo-experiences: www.enlightenevolution.webs.com I believe it is explained under the Article 'What Happened To Me.')
From what I have experienced SINCE 1992, and seeing the photos in Holy Blood, Holy Grail there are TWO MAIN BLOODLINES that the Illuminati USES: One is 'James,' the brother of Jesus, and the other is the 'Magdalene's,' that seems to be the one that there is the most FIGHTING OVER, especially 'feminine' jealousy, and an inability to come to BENEVOLENCE and PEACE amidst the 'royalty claims,' because worldly power and money are attached to the claims of their 'goodness,' and genetic manipulations, by marriage, over the centuries... Everybody thinks they are the 'good side,' even if they DO rape children, to find out why their Illuminati paradigm of 'following behavior' has caused them to fail in WORLD RULE and WORLD OWNERSHIP... (see my website for further explanation of my HB,HG photo-experiences: www.enlightenevolution.webs.com I believe it is explained under the Article 'What Happened To Me.')
ALL of my sexuality, has been turned into HER FINGER, every 'pen' and as every 'penis,' (sounding stupid, I know, but this is how they 'think,' as I found out over the past 22 YEARS of my adult life being forced into dealing with this hell-on-earth they have created... For me, it is endless rape, and no one can SEE ME; they only see 'HER' ! The hateful, evil trickery and filth that she directed toward me as a baby, has caused everyone to treat me, as if I were HER ! ! (No wonder some child abuse victims 'go crazy...' It's NOT THEIR KARMA they are having to face...) When people 'see' me, whom they DO NOT SEE, at all, they think that it is ME who is 'evil' and NOT my child-abuser ! ! ! (They are faithless in 'god,' and I am courageous in my faith in 'god's' benevolence, is the difference between me and 'satan' or those who do not feel, nor do they want to even TRY to feel, 'FAITHFUL' in trusting themselves to BEHAVE BENEVOLENTLY toward their OWN self-behavior, much less Nature's, or 'god's,' but instead, rape it, hide the fact, and use it for material world stability and gain, in order to 'have' it...) And ALL of her demons surround my whole life, everywhere I go, her look-alikes, her belligerent, imbecile, hateful, worldy-concerned men and women... (I always thought spirituality came first in life, and that everyone was doing it that way... HOW WRONG I was, and have been, with regard to their 'royal' behavior of 'save us, won't you ?'... And they have enforced upon me, with their abuse, me, to continually suffer their party of ignorance, that they insist upon...)
Not my own karma, and not the people who are LIKE ME, are around me... It's been horrific, years of tears, years of unjustified rape and destruction of my life, for no reason, but THEIR PROBLEMS, THEIR HATE, and THEIR IDIOTIC, IMBECILE, INSENSITIVE, JEALOUS, THEFT and MURDER of who I am... totally undeserved, and totally unjustified, since I DO NOT ACT, AT ALL, LIKE THE COUNTLESS WAYS THAT I HAVE BEEN MIS-TREATED ON THIS EARTH, BY THESE SO-CALLED 'HUMAN BEINGS.' (HAR...)
Why should I, or anyone else, have to pay with our whole lives, for these hateful, denier, belligerent, thieving, soul and life murderers and rapists ? ? AND STILL, THEY DO NOT CHANGE THEMSELVES ! WHY SHOULD WE PAY ? ?
Doing the Flower of Life, creates an unseen 'power,' for ones self, that moves in tandem with the whole of 'good' or 'creation' in the Universe, because those are the only behaviors that create 'light,' or 'clarity of understanding,' or 'love and tolerance.' The Illuminati have had trouble with me, because I have so much personal 'power' as a result of doing this work over my incarnations on earth... But it is not 'worldly' power, and they are clashing with ME, because THAT WORLDLY POWER is all they want from me, and all their paradigm of following behavior SEEKS... They don't EVER want to make their own leaps of FAITH. They want a simple seguey from 'the material' to 'the spiritual...' but it ONLY works if they do it for themselves, which they have not done... Blame, is only good for one's personal power, and not to be put upon OTHERS physically, if at all possible. But to outright, belligerently harm the innocent, is a faithless, godless act of inequity, that can never be justified... not to the innocent, and not to one's self...
one another as the variety of souls doing it... It is NOT EASY, but it is
the ONLY worthwhile, humane PATH.
one another as the variety of souls doing it... It is NOT EASY, but it is
the ONLY worthwhile, humane PATH.
The 'Grail Blood' does have abilities, but they are not of the kind that can be SEEN... And each one born of 'Grail Blood,' IS DIFFERENT from their counterpart others... The effects of these 'abilities' can be known, tho' as I experienced myself doing them last November 2008, when I transmuted my own fears of the 600,000 year old Yellowstone Volcano going off. I did this by facing my fear squarely everyday for the whole month of November 2008, until I no longer FELT the fear of it, in my mind, nor in my Yellow, Middle, Third Chakra. When I no longer FEARED it PERSONALLY, I somehow knew without a shadow of a doubt, that if it ever did go off again, at least, it would not be my fault, and I would not be the one who was responsible for its having done so, just because of my own fear of it. EVERYONE CAN DO THIS WITH THEIR FEARS, if only you will do it with every fear you have, you will find they cannot exist when you have shined your Conscious Light upon every nuance of each fear, and looked at it as squarely as you can. Doing this DIFFUSES the unconscious ignition of FEARS becoming REALITY...
For me, Psychic Reality, did not begin CONCSIOUSLY until I was 32 years old: I was driving on the Southern-most mountain road of British Columbia toward Vancouver, BC, when about 3 a.m. I chanced upon a baby-mountain lion trotting along the road alone, to my left. He was so happy and unconcerned with harm, that I immediately melted with 'love' for him ! (*Who was I really seeing in him ? It was my own true, happily oblivious-to-evil, self...) But just as immediately, his mother, unseen, flew her rage and anger into my brain ! I immediately knew THAT IS NOT ME ! When her mental contact with me REALIZED that I meant him no harm, she 'spoke' to me telepathically in English ! This is what she said,
"OH ! I'm so embarrassed that I'm a big, ferocious mountain lion who would kill for him ! But I love him so much ! " Then to her cub, she said, " Ya STUPE ! " And then she left me to say to myself, "Of
course ! Telepathy is second nature to animals because they do not have speaking ability like humans ! " What can one DO with a realization like that ? ? Well, for me, whenever I am around animals of ANY KIND, I now am aware that they are talking with me telepathically, and they are also aware of it, and love me for knowing it. All animals who are strangers are usually very kind to me for my recognition of their own 'telepathy,' which for most animals is really only their simple needs. We ALL know what they mean. But in some cases, doing this 'translation' for them, is noticed and appreciated, even wild ones. In this way, we can all walk the world in peace with animals, because they are not usually just out to kill... (It's only humans and child-rapists, who do that...)
"OH ! I'm so embarrassed that I'm a big, ferocious mountain lion who would kill for him ! But I love him so much ! " Then to her cub, she said, " Ya STUPE ! " And then she left me to say to myself, "Of
course ! Telepathy is second nature to animals because they do not have speaking ability like humans ! " What can one DO with a realization like that ? ? Well, for me, whenever I am around animals of ANY KIND, I now am aware that they are talking with me telepathically, and they are also aware of it, and love me for knowing it. All animals who are strangers are usually very kind to me for my recognition of their own 'telepathy,' which for most animals is really only their simple needs. We ALL know what they mean. But in some cases, doing this 'translation' for them, is noticed and appreciated, even wild ones. In this way, we can all walk the world in peace with animals, because they are not usually just out to kill... (It's only humans and child-rapists, who do that...)
I NEVER SEEK TELEPATHY, personally. It is not even one of my interests ! But, it finds me, because I have, over many lifetimes, done the Flower of Life Lotus Petal Behavior FOR MYSELF, at least, if not for others: Sincerity, Truthfulness, Benevolence, Equality (Creates Justice with all Life), and Courtesy. Doing THIS is HUMANE for self, and does affect others, even if they are not conscious of it. Why ? It is because the whole Universe is already DOING THESE THINGS FOR ITSELF... YOU are NOT SEPARATE from the Universe from which you have sprung into SELF- AWARENESS ! ! !
In fact, at a later time, a young male mountain lion made contact with me, mentally, and I called him 'Voldmort,' because he was so sneeky and hypnotic, that it took me six weeks to realize he'd been mentally connected and 'tracking' me since he 'met' me. He knew what his name that I gave him, Voldmort, meant, because he had telepathically listened to and 'seen' the movie ! ! That was a surprise for me ! ! I liked him, and he liked me, so I planned to coach him along mentally, into being a better being, knowing more, about life... We were just honest friends, walking together... He said he liked me because I was different than most humans, because I was HONEST
and TRUTHFUL, which he almost never found in stupid humans, who STINK, he said, meaning both Literally AND Figuratively speaking... That made me laugh, and I agreed with him. I liked him, because he NOTICED the real me, instead of seeing my child-rapist as myself, the soul-trader whore that she was, and unfortunately, still is and has been for 50 years of my life, a torturous murderer, worse than Voldmort would have ever been to me, because he was smarter than she could have ever been to me... And he would never have taken a bite out of me the way she did. (Talk about a 'MONSTER ?' My child-rapist looked like 'the blonde' in the film MONSTER... Don't they all want to be 'blonde' ? How about 'Blondie and Dagobert' ? ? Does that sound like a familiar 'cartoon' needing to balance all these 'earthly,' 3D, iniquities ?)
Another time, a Tiger danced his powder-puff paws upon the earth for me, and then he let me see him laughing ! ! His whole body rippled with joyful fun when he "Laughed" FOR ME ! ! ! I laughed back, in profound disbelief at his fully self-conscious joyfulness of being 'stealthfully sneeky,' and telepathic in his 'tiger-ness' !
Telepathically once, a HUGE six-foot long, white, Tiger layed his whole body upon me one morning as I awoke, and claws poised, but not striking my skin, showed me Complete Physical Stillness... It was such a REST for me. (It was completely and totally non-sexual, by the way.)
I cannot walk the earth with most humans. Most of them see me as 'Donna Rice,' the opposite and anti-thesis of who I am... I mostly walk this earth, completely alone, but helping the abherrent illuminati to see their errors in behavior, judgement, bad decisions, and to correct their absolute insensitivities toward themselves, because they have evil INTENT toward others... It has been such a mess, such a mistake, that I am in tears, and alone, every day. It's not right.
I'm usually SUCH a happy soul.
I'm usually SUCH a happy soul.
I don't want to wake up in another hell, again, just because these so-called 'humans' have the need to catch-up to, and 'balance' 26,000 years of their own rape of innocent goodness to 'balance' their party of idiotic, selfish, thieving, bad behaviors... denial of same... continuation of same... (Why is 'Jamba Juice' the ad on this page, as I post, if this world is NOT FULL OF EVIL LIARS, hiding the TRUTH, and IN FACT, Raping it ? Oh, shall we 'Pass the Buck' for one more generation of 'satan's' denial-pineapple-upside-down-cake of theft of SOULS, and INJUSTICE, 'yellow piss and brown feces' murder of babes with RAPE ? ? Come on, shall we not call a spade, a SPADE ?)
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