'Tis the Season, ONCE
AGAIN ! It's 6.7 degrees Fahrenheit here in Boulder Valley, Colorado, at 4:37 PM ! And it's supposed to snow again tonight, Santa !
We have icicles an inch thick on the INSIDE of our living room windows this afternoon, where we are short one space heater ! (Two of them burned out last year, and we only have two left...)
Well, I'll tell ya why I'm happy... The lights are up, in the shape of a HEART, multi-neon: pink, green, blue, orange, and red. The HEART has a SQUARE around it, too. The first day I put them up was about November 1st, and do you know, NONE of my same neighbors have YET put up ANY LIGHTS to shine back for ME ? ? ! ! (It's alright. I remember the white-light deer from last year, across the wide garden lawn between my apartment building and their house. And the man across the street had nice multi-lights around his front door last year too, but not yet...)
The first morning I woke up under my Heart-In-A-Square Lighted Window, I could ACTUALLY FEEL the love pouring into my body from
it ! ! I was really surprised ! It worked. Eureka ! Sacred Geometry Really Works ! Buuuut, it's a VERY SUBTLE THING, the 'light,' the 'love,' the 'joy from tears,' poverty that is undeserved, and no forseeable future... I live on the razor's edge of death everyday, without going into all the gory details... Don't we all ? It's a relief not to worry about survival, on the days we actually have enough peace to forget about it !
It has been my Taoist Practice over the past FIVE YEARS to do as the Masters have admonished, a meditation practice that really has worked, to make me realize truly, that I am an eternal being, with an eternal soul, and eternal free will, even UNTO DEATH ! Death IS Birth, and Birth is ALSO 'Death.' Realizing it, is how one is able to smile at ALL THINGS, and LOVE ALL THINGS, even more than if one did NOT meditate on the great ominousness of 'death' every day.
Most people have no inclination for this kind of 'Meditation' ! But they seem now, to be doing it anyway, with all the modern Vampire, War, and Killing Movies out there these days ! Do you know what 'FEAR' does to us as human beings ? It makes us BE HONEST with ourselves, at least for a moment. It also makes us think about our greatest fears MORE, until we are no longer afraid of them. Or at the very least, fall short of our best self, and just 'allow and accept' our greatest fears.
I have no death wish. I have a LIFE wish. I love life, BECAUSE I love me, my consciousness, and what I now recognize as 'the more' of myself to always be becoming with the Source that gave me who I am ! Free, joyous, and in love with the greater LOVE that has given us all a chance to meet up with and visit with one another, and that we all are learning to stumble through this thing called 'survival.' IT does only the Flower Of Life, and I BETTER SEE THAT AMIDST HUMANITY, OR YOU'LL BE PASSING OVER YOURSELVES, next time, same as THIS 'time.'
Bart-Denier of the Peter-Church, and Magdalene-me who has never been IN the 'Church' of Ostracism of the Magdalene... Bart-Satan-Church-Peter-Finger-Dyke, has been the murder of my whole life, 50 years now, and for 26,000 years TOTAL, and 3,000 years of murder-suicide, SOLID, and totally undeserved...
(I was a part of Amelia's flying into the Dragon's Triangle, in my last incarnation. In fact, I was born 19 years to the day and time, 2 p.m. of her disappearance, and 10 years to the day of the Roswell Crash...) Nor did my own family really give a shite... to know me, nor give me equal standing with them as a human being, BECAUSE I WAS NOT BORN PART OF THEIR CHURCH ILLUMINATI SATAN PARADIGM... So, they raped me, with the WHOLE CHURCH of BART 3,000, & 26,000 years of SATAN MURDERERS on THIS EARTH. Demons have incarnated EVER AFTER my rape of 1959. And Bart has never done ANYTHING FOR ME, EXCEPT WIPE HIS ASS WITH ME. (Do I mean COVER HIS ASS ? You better believe, I do.)
Born 7.2.56, I recently found out that those NUMBERS are the measurement of EACH SIDE of THE GREAT PYRAMID: 756.2 CUBITS... No wonder their excuses for raping me were: "We're not ready yet," "We're looking for the Beast," and "You were moving too fast..." You BET I was moving too fast for Satan, but THIS Satan, is a genocide baby-raper, 3,000 year old, and 26,000 year old sky-ripping, DEVIL MURDERER. Who could EVER catch him without ME ? Who has EVER been able to stop the RAPE and MURDER OF ME ? They wouldn't even let me do it for myself, this lifetime, by finger-whore-genociding me, AGAIN.
In fact, all my 'Bosses' have participated in my rape and murder, as 'Bruce S.' my father, 'Wayne,' my brother, and 'Janet theft of all my names,' as my 'mother,' a satan born of rape, as she was, told to me by the Old Testament, no less... But I did have a good time most of the time, anyway... WHY, you ask ? It's because I brought my substance to it. I gave it my very best self, my very best passions, my very utmost joyful self, my sincere pursuit of interests and happiness. Most of who I was, surprisingly for me, met with chagrin from ALL others, especially later in my life, say from 40 to 50 years old.
(I am a 53 year old female now, whose whole external life has been denied, and OUTRIGHT LIED TO AND WASTED, for no reason but selfish baby-rapers' theft and murder of MY SOUL and HARD-WON PERSONAL SOUL WORK AND KARMA, and to cover their own liar asses for 2012, against an onslaught of TRUTH from their 3,000 years MINIMUM, OF LIES, RAPE OF BABES, RAPE OF ADULTS, RAPE OF INNOCENCE, AND THEFT OF PERSONAL SOUL, AND COMPLETE, OUTRIGHT, MURDERS ON THIS EARTH.)
I later realized it really did not have anything whatsoever to do with me, but rather because the whole paradigm of human civilization has been based on people being taught to be afraid of themselves, and afraid of the truth, and so they end up coming back, lifetime after lifetime, forgetting they are doing it, forgetting themselves, and NEVER getting the chance to find out who they really are ! And also, this occurs because of the stuck and unequal box of behaviors that human beings insist on continuing, and worse, insist is REAL.
Allow me explain to you as I have experienced it, and even already knew, coming into this life as a child, that the ONLY thing that is REAL, is the LOVE you FEEL in your heart, and your mind, for yourself, and for as many others as you can muster a care for. It is not 'sexual' love. It is instead an unconditional love, for the sake of life and consciousness itself, and it has NO AGENDA. It has no other boundaries than those you must choose under this formal imperative of survival, where it is AN IMPERATIVE to love yourself JUST AS MUCH AS OTHERS, AND EQUALLY WITH ALL OTHERS, as best as possible. THAT EQUI-LATERAL TRI-ANGLE AND SQUARE of human behavior CAUSES 3rd and 4th Dimensions to BE OUR HEAVEN... That is our only job as human beings. If you can do THAT, then you have done Equality with 'self,' and with 'life.'
There are physical limitations in life, and even mental / spiritual stumbling-blocks, emotional stumbling-blocks, that WE ALL FACE. But if we LEARN to see them for what they are IMMEDIATELY, label it, let it go, look at it as squarely as possible at the time, we find that our growth into greater beingness REALLY IS A NATURAL OCCURRENCE, and there is NEVER any reason to fear, even if we still DO feel fears... That is love... unconditional.
Freedom ? If I can't be myself here on a blog that I write for INFORMATION TO THE WHOLE WORLD FOR FREE, and am forced to write for free, anyway, then where in this whole world will I EVER get to be who I really am ?
This world has stopped valuing individuality, Christ and the Magdalene, for at least as long as I have been child-raped, 50 years... When they threw 911, Iraq, Tsunami and Her-rick-anus (cabby-lay-dyke-rape: Taxes, ANYONE ?) on my finger-murdered 'pen' ('penis IS pen' to them) and my finger-murdered SACRED sexuality, I finally realized what they were doing, and became a celibate monk. None of them has even bothered to apologize, to me, much less, to the WHOLE WORLD. (I take that back, their apologies were the lame WORD only, not actions...)
So, Bart, Satan-Catholic-Church, and his co-hort devil "Michael" along with bitches who rape their daughters with Catholic DEVIL CHILD-ABUSER-DYKES, can just
LIAR AND RAPIST 'juicey-bloody-dyke-finger' someone else, other than me... Ah, but there IS no one ELSE, is there, Bart the LIAR, RAPIST, SATAN OF HELL ? ? I will never help any of you on Earth, with my rape and murder, ever again. Your world of Denial, is the worst part of all of this I write, that IS THE TRUTH.
Freedom IS truly within, and sometimes, if you are NOT raped, other people can join FREELY with you in it, externally... THAT is Freedom: The Freedom to Love, or NOT to Love. Bob Marley once sang the best songline of all: "Your life is worth much more than gold..."
There are physical limitations in life, and even mental / spiritual stumbling-blocks, emotional stumbling-blocks, that WE ALL FACE. But if we LEARN to see them for what they are IMMEDIATELY, label it, let it go, look at it as squarely as possible at the time, we find that our growth into greater beingness REALLY IS A NATURAL OCCURRENCE, and there is NEVER any reason to fear, even if we still DO feel fears... That is love... unconditional.
Freedom ? If I can't be myself here on a blog that I write for INFORMATION TO THE WHOLE WORLD FOR FREE, and am forced to write for free, anyway, then where in this whole world will I EVER get to be who I really am ?
This world has stopped valuing individuality, Christ and the Magdalene, for at least as long as I have been child-raped, 50 years... When they threw 911, Iraq, Tsunami and Her-rick-anus (cabby-lay-dyke-rape: Taxes, ANYONE ?) on my finger-murdered 'pen' ('penis IS pen' to them) and my finger-murdered SACRED sexuality, I finally realized what they were doing, and became a celibate monk. None of them has even bothered to apologize, to me, much less, to the WHOLE WORLD. (I take that back, their apologies were the lame WORD only, not actions...)
So, Bart, Satan-Catholic-Church, and his co-hort devil "Michael" along with bitches who rape their daughters with Catholic DEVIL CHILD-ABUSER-DYKES, can just
LIAR AND RAPIST 'juicey-bloody-dyke-finger' someone else, other than me... Ah, but there IS no one ELSE, is there, Bart the LIAR, RAPIST, SATAN OF HELL ? ? I will never help any of you on Earth, with my rape and murder, ever again. Your world of Denial, is the worst part of all of this I write, that IS THE TRUTH.
Freedom IS truly within, and sometimes, if you are NOT raped, other people can join FREELY with you in it, externally... THAT is Freedom: The Freedom to Love, or NOT to Love. Bob Marley once sang the best songline of all: "Your life is worth much more than gold..."
Why don't all my picture .gifs
work ? Could it be racial discrimination and hateful theft of SOUL and LIFE , by Satan himself, the party-hearty Ruler of Hell ?
or, How dare I recognize my Magdalene / Jesus self, much less have the audacity to TELL anyone ?
(Tom Hanks psychically visited me this week, for the second time in a month, and admitted he was EVIL... I told him, as my 'brother,' to get the h... out, same as I told Russell Crowe, who looks like my own brother, and his wife, who looks like my child-abuser, no less: Incest or Bust, last week when he tried to 'seduce' me, and when I said NO, he gleefully mocked me... Incredible devils laughing at rape, he and his wife... Next morning, he was on his knees with confoundation... Wonder WHY... (Har) How much more of these evil ones, who are my 'brothers' and 'sisters,' must I be forced to endure for all of you ? ?
Bart-Michael, are the SAME PROBLEM, Prelude to a STOLEN LIFETIME, and a STOLEN WEDDING, and a sister-rape-with-'sisters' who are nothing but lying murderers.
How DARE I remember that I am an Eternal Being with many lifetimes, and as it turns out, they are all the same 'lifetime,' endlessly repeating Bart-Satan MURDER OF MY SOUL ! AND absolutely NO ONE on this whole Earth, to help me STOP IT FROM ENDLESSLY RE-PETE-ING ?
The Sacred Feminine, of me, is a 26,000 year old murder victim, when Bart came through and RIPPED ME OUT OF THE SKY, for his Fallen Party, and STILL, he is raping me to death alive, FOR his ASSETS, of which I Am truly, the ONLY ASSET... But what does his Satan-filthy-self tell me ? 'Get a Life.' When Bart & Michael and Diana-Helen-Isis already have stolen my whole life, for LIFETIMES, who could ever be the wiser, except me ?
It was one 'richard allison' who lured me into this side of the universe, SATAN IN ANDROMEDA, no less, for this lifetime on Earth, and I freely came through the Gate, to WORK, AGAIN, not knowing they had planned only to ENDLESSLY RE-PETE, and NOT SOLVE ANYTHING... It was my 'mother' who lured me with 'stars,' to her womb, which is what I was doing 26,000 years ago for this side of the Universe, as a feminine energy, maintaining REAL stars in the sky...) ALL OF THIS LIFE, FOR ME, HAS BEEN NOTHING BUT A LIE. All this, so Satan, can take over the BOTH SIDES of the Universe, and belligerently murder me FOREVER ?
What a sorry lot of Bart's 'brother' 'sister' raping, belligerent, imbecility that WILL HARM and ENSLAVE ALL, with the endless repetition of 3,000 YEARS on Earth, IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE. What a sorry, spineless, idiot, lot, is this side of the Universe... Soon enough, to be a WHOLE UNIVERSE OF BART RAPE & MURDER SUFFERING.
(Basically: don't EVER come back, Dyke-Vampire / Bird-Finger Whore of Dick, Peter, & Willy, Bart-Michael Satan of the Church of Hell on Earth. It's BEYOND trickery... It's outright murderous FILTH, I'm sorry to REPORT.)
Merry Christmas to ALL, WITHOUT RAPE OF ANYONE...
ALL Children are important.
ALL Children are our only Potential.
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