Saturday, January 30, 2010

My Undeniable Amelia Coincidences

This may very well be the MOST DIFFICULT piece of honesty, truth-telling, and 'proof' of 're-incarnation' that I ever make.  It's so very compelling and unbelievable for so many of us.  And at age 14, even after my first 'past-life memory' of a life I lived in the late 1800's, I still did not really believe...

But now, after all the coincidences are so clear as to be nearly undeniable facts, I'll show you the 'unicorn,' so that you may judge as you will...  It's all true.

The Amelia Coincidental Facts & Likenesses In My Life:

1)  Born 7.2.56, 2pm, 19 years to the day of A.E. disappearance on 7.2.37, and 9 years from the day of Roswell, 7.2.47.  ( This date is now changed on the Internet to: 7.4.47, sometime during the past two years since I've been online, 07/2007- Present ). 

2)  756.2 cubits, is the length of each side of the Great Pyramid, if you can wrap-your-mind around that bit of numerology...  It has something to do with the Earth-Human magnetic field, and resonance, as scientists are finding out... and hopefully using BENEVOLENTLY...
(In my personal case / life scenario, it was NOT used benevolently, not toward me, anyway...)

3)  Congenital space between two front teeth, same as A.E.

4)  Initials, K.S., and A.E. from Kansas (KS), Atchinson  (For the sake of noticing details, I've always thought my 'chin' was too pronounced for my tiny head, frame, and facial profile... :)  Also, 'a. c.' was a helpful figure to me in this life...

5)  A.E. attempted to be honest to a fault, exactly like me.

6)  I was given a World Globe as a gift from my mother for my 7th B-day, same as A.E. got a World Globe from her father, for her 7th B-day...  And as all children probably are, I was amazed by it, so much that I whispered to myself on the inspiration breath, 'huuhh !, a globe ! :>O)) !'  And I had peeked, so I was alone when I found it...  Later, to my mom's disappointment when I told her the truth after I opened it...  telling her even, how much I was amazed with it...  but she was still sorry at missing it, my reaction...  She would not have seen it anyway, because I hide my truest amazements from the whole world, in self-protection... as I know now...  Even tho' in this life, I have been forced to attempt to share my inner-most personal joys...  Words just don't do them justice: not in feeling, understanding, or truth...  

(Everyone takes so much for granted, that it's impossible to hold the sacred, even within one's self, without somebody trying to tear it out of you, to prove themselves to themselves, and enforce the 'objectification' of 'reality'...)

7)  I was given a soft-aqua-blue leather 'Amelia Earhart' small overnight suitcase when I was six, by my godmother, and it was the favorite possession of my whole life.  It gave me a sense of personal privacy, even tho' that is something of which I have had NONE in this life.  

I expected gentility, socially, from my family, and amongst my generation in this lifetime, and found almost absolutely NONE... also.  It has been a post-wwii horror for me, as well as for almost everyone else, as we all seem to be feeling it...  (I was 'dead' to earth during it...) Yet, I think I understand what it was really about: the theft of human-soul, unseen magnetics... (and not just 'humans' from 'humans' EITHER...)  And that competition for unseen 'magnetics,' is STILL going on...  

Life is magnetics.  And so is the Earth, Light itself, and our brain / nervous system processes...  Even our souls are magnetic...  If that 'magnetism' is stolen with rape and murder, then the hope of a benevolent earth or sky, is impossible...
I wonder if we as a species and a planet can ever recover ourselves from it all...  I wish we would...  and could, and will...

8)  I was terrified at having to learn to swim at the 'Pacific' Coast Club huge, indoor, olympic-sized, choppy, pool, when I was age 7.  I cried doing it.

9)  My father had flown with the u.s. airforce in korea, before I was born, and when I was very small, about age 4, my parents took me to a Blue Angels show.  I fell in love with it, but had no desire to 'fly' in an airplane, whatsoever, although at age 6 mos, I received a certificate from American Airlines for having been a young flyer, for our move from MO to AZ.  I saw another Blue Angels show at Edwards AFB, felt very uncomfortable in the wind there all afternoon.  Chuck Yeager was at that show.  I saw a B52, how huge it was, but did not, and never could relate to its purposes...  was unfathomable for me...

11)  All flights in my life have been extremely 'intuitive' for me.  I'm almost always 'right' about them, and can 'psychically,' FEEL them, and even have a sense of psychic 'control' over the safety of flights with my feelings during the  flight.  (Don't really enjoy it, although its safety is so much improved...)  I enjoyed Richard Bach's books about barnstorming more than any actual flights, except perhaps the flight I took from HI back to CA, was exceptionally beautiful...  That leg was the last one, that A.E. missed by two legs...

12)  Once, recently, the most confirming of my A.E. experiences to me, was an aerial photo of an area of the So. Pacific, pillow-clouds everywhere in perfect geometric formation, as far as the eye could see, over the whole of the ocean that could barely be seen beneath them, was so dizzying to me, like an exact body-memory...  Every single time I looked at it, I was absolutely so surprised how dizzying it made me feel.

13)  What's been one of the most important things to me personally and privately in this life, is how the sun feels, ozone feels, and the amount of oil-burning, coal-burning, and explosions we have done over the past 53 years of my life-time, and during the 72 years since A.E.'s lifetime.  I can't believe how BAD the atmosphere / air FEELS to me now, compared to how great it felt to me as a child in Arizona. (1956-1962)

I wish to God, we could remedy it
IMMEDIATELY, but no one seems to be willing or able to overcome the oil industry, due to 'finances,' world-over.  

It's a very sad state of affairs.  I wish the whole planet of people's would immediately come together to find a solution, or we will be absolutely doomed from our own carelessness.  DREAM, LIVE, BUT ALSO DO WHAT IS RIGHT.  It is NOT right to NOT be able to properly feel the sun and the atmosphere due to too much oil and coal burning...  It desensitizes us all to the real, incredible, beauty that we are standing IN, and upon...

14)  The funniest (and also worst) coincidence of A.E. in my life, is of the Nut Tree Restaurant, between San Francisco and Sacramento, CA, that now, no longer exists, shut down due to fast-food and rising costs to run the wonderful place.  It was (is) a farm for Fruit and Nut Trees, and had an airfield.  I first visited the place with my friends when I was 15, and felt so comfortable and in love with it, that I never, ever felt like I wanted to leave, and in my mind, never did leave...  Years later, I revisited the Nut Tree, before it was forced to shut down.  I was alone.  I spent about 2 hours inside the upstairs portion of the gift shop, which was dedicated to Amelia Earhart.  It hadn't been there as a museum to her when I was 15...  well, 'fruits' and 'nuts,' you get the idea...  Right after that visit, my car was taken in 're-possession,' and the bombs flew THE NEXT DAY for Desert Storm...  Who do you think they are 'possessing' ?  Why did the Navy's vessel Itasca not have absolute assurance they would be able to track Amelia ?  I submit, it was not her fault, but theirs.  And there could also be underlying 'political' reasons for not letting a woman be the first to circum-flight-navigate the 'globe...'  

Talk about the magnetics of the magnanimous, 'sacred feminine' being compromised by politics: (jealousy, control, hate and murder...).  Talk about soul-theft: theft of magnetics and joy, used for 'war' and killing instead...  I submit, this has now been going on with me for 3,000 years, and I am f-kg tired of it, endlessly repeating itself, and on top of it, then being BLAMED for it. )

15)  Another factor:  Amelia could have just decided she would acquiesce to the government's, et al, 'request' that she not complete her world circumnavigation flight, because she was tired of the 'fame,' as this is more than suggested in the latest documentary, (2009) that she did live on quietly, under another identity.  One of her friends claimed to 'recognize' her, and he was jovially positive.  The woman in question would not submit to fingerprint tests, and denied she was A.E., publicly to the press, when she was pressed. 

I have probably forgotten something, and may have to return to tell more here...

16)  In 1974, when I was 17, I was visited by 3 UFO 'Light Ship Saucers' outside my house.  I did not believe in UFO phenomenon at that time, but within two months of my stating to my mom that I thought sitings were a 'hoax,' I was 'visited.'  It wasn't scary.  In fact, it was quite pleasant, but a bit over-the-top experientially, as there is not much one can do with an experience like that !  Within a year and a half later, I was working at a Planetarium, and had breakfast with Dr. Werner von Braun as a freshman in college.  (My website has greater details of these two experiences, under the 'Spiritual Experiences' Article.)

16)  O' yeah.  Same as A.E., the 'elders' around me for my child-abuse, receipt of my souls energy were even the same names as those in A.E.'s life:  Frank & Eleanor... (of all the possible names, that could be included in my life...)  And later childhood friends:  George and Gene, no less...

The ruling 'powers' or blood-lines on this planet KNOW the sacred in humans exists.  It is our inherent ability to transparentize experientially and with our environment and even our own consciousness, that we are largely unaware of its Truer Nature, WITH Nature. It is EXTREMELY subtle, and not letting it be such, DESTROYS IT...  That 'consciousness' that we are unaware of individually and collectively: We are connected ONLY BY the Flower of Life behavior, IS what they are stealing from us, and using to maintain themselves...  It's just that they rape it, physically, in order to access and utilize the 'magnetic soul resonance,' for their own sense of 3D stability and CONTROL of the planetary eco-system AND humans, and their own 'paradigm,' of life...  Their 'control,' obviously, seems to be far beyond their own endless attempts to 'control,' and that are now far, far, out-of-'control.'  And yet, they insist that it is ME who is 'out-of-control' for exposing them, their MURDER of the same soul endlessly, and absolutely, wiping their ass with me...

How I deal with it, is to attempt to be magnanimous, but unwaveringly truthful, but it mostly falls on deaf ears, who do not see the purpose of emulating such behavior...  If we all did this, perhaps we will all be able to come through 2012 without pandemonium, on the part of the 'controllers.'  (It does 'work,' I have noticed.)

sincerely and truthfully yours, lotusalivelight  
(to ameliorate...)

More on the 'Philistinian Philosophy':

1) It is based on John Stewart Mill's edict of Manifest Destiny, "The greatest happiness for the greatest number,' and 'Man's 'right' to conquest of Nature / Indiginous People's,' which should sound a lot 'crazy' to us these days, but which is STILL going on in Science...  Since they did NOT KNOW how to do the Flower of Life, Equit-ability with 3rd Dimension, AND STILL DO NOT ! ! !  So what that means, is that those whose souls are closer to full-attainment with self-realization, and self-actualization, must PAY with their bodies, lives, magnetics, souls, for those who are not yet at 'self-with-others-realization.'  THIS IS nothing more than 'FALSE WITNESS' unto ALL, if it is done to one, hence endless in-equit-ability, that can never become balanced.  WE MUST DO IT, and BALANCE WITH IT, and PARTICIPATE with IT.  The greatest of humilities is required from humanity, FOR humanity.  It is what the ancient 'Egyptians' did have: RESONANCE with 'peace for all.'  This realization, FOR ALL, allowed for the ultimate human / and humane resonance.  We could at least attempt it.

Manifest Destiny has caused the greatest of ego-maniacal disrespect from humans, toward humans and toward the planetary living eco-system where even the inanimate, has consciousness, and maybe even GREATER consciousness than 'ours,' but which we have turned up-side-down, in our stupidity and fears and neediness of one understanding of how we are to behave in life...  

If you have read the Art of War, by Sun Tsu (Tzu), it is NOT the art of war they are discussing, but rather the equitable sharing / rationing of resources in common sense toward survival / benevolence toward ALL humans, and WITHIN the confines of ALL of their personalities being SUBJECT TO THE FLOWER OF LIFE BEHAVIOR.  If we CARE about our culture, then we will need to nurture, understand, and work at it, or IT, Earth and Sky, will ALL be unreasonable toward us...

(The ma-roon dodge die-nasty, just took its piece of me.  How can I possibly continue to pay, lifetime after lifetime for these hateful ills of humanity, when nothing ever changes, and the 'devil' does nothing but laugh, and steal, party, and murder those of us who have trained ourselves enough to be BORN, automatically doing this 
work ? ? ?  How can the FEW continue to PAY for the ignorant, because they are 'jealous' of our 'power,' that IS the whole of the material universes 'power,' that we have simply been willing to WORK AT aligning our own personal selves with ?)

If we expect 'the goddess,' then we must BE THE GODDESS, and the GOD.  No one seems to believe it is so... anymore...

Ah well, I already know I'm falling on insatiable denial, that will never stop its
insistence that it is right to rape, instead of do...  It's easier that way, for them.  And 3,000 years of rape has not been enough...
It's not THEM who are hurting, by any means.  (Har, It's a question of degree and magnitude as to who is 'hurting' the most, the ignorant or the 'wise,' har...)  And never will they even notice their OWN 'hurt,' much less ours, as long as they control someone like me, (and all who are like me, thereby, and therewith...) with rape and murder alive, knowing where and when and who is re-incarnating 'for them...' and 'to possess.'

Do you know that I cannot even spend anytime zoning my mind in rest and peace without this 'bird-finger' PUSHER BITCH-RAPE Nazi Filth ALL OVER ME, threatening my whole life on a daily basis?   It's so ludicrous, it's incredulous, and impossible, for me...


[Get off me forever, bird, satan dyke murder FINGER, you demonati of hell on Earth, dirty works, magnetic murder ENDLESS BIRD FINGER SHIT.  CEASE AND DESIST YOU FILTHY RAPIST NAZI DYKES, Cher the 'cherry' thieving FILTH-FINGER !] 

Do you know, they are ALL SO STUPID and SO COMPLACENT, and SO EGO-RIDDEN, and self-confident that they cannot be caught in this endless repetition of murder and rape, that is now 3,000 years old, that even they are afraid they will be 'blamed' for wwii, and all these wars...  And so, they rape, so as not to have to face the far-out ACTUAL TRUTH, that they have endlessly pushed me to death and raped me, with their own Fascism !  And then, they threaten my whole life with a 'female-demonati' 'bird-finger,' and refuse to even acknowledge it on every account, much less, ADMIT THE FACTS, and sit there in endless devil of denials ! ? 

I don't want to defend myself with these imbeciles who endlessly rape me, ANYMORE.  This 'sh..' is coming from 'the prince and princess of darkness, baby-raping liars, 'on high,' since no 'bird' has this kind of endless harassment 'power.'  And apparently, no 'bird' has the power to STOP the endless harassment against me, either.  No one wants to ADMIT THE TRUTH, NOT ONE.  Except me, and I, of course, look like a fool against their all-powerful magnetic media of 'broad ' - cast crap.

They think all my lifetime's worth of work is easy for me, and just a joke.  Why ?  Why is because what you have just read here is INTANGIBLE, cannot be 'objectified,' and made MATERIAL, which is all 'they' are concerned with, GREED...  not FAITH, and right behavior...  NON-DESTRUCTION...  They have made ALL of life a sex-murder JOKE.  And all they do is LIE about it.



1) Sincerity, 2) Truthfulness, 
3) Benevolence, 4) Equality: (equal respect with all living things, 'thou shalt not kill,' not even an insect if at all possible !) = JUSTICE, 5) Courtesy: (*especially if we disagree !)

And yes, I am from Bob Marley's neck of the woods in golden Andromeda, and Jah loves me as a light-flyer !  WE FLY THE LIGHT !  WHEN, and only WHEN, we do the Flower of Life !  'As above, so below: As below, so above'  ~with love from Ta-hote !

Friday, January 29, 2010

Ego & False Witness

What we call the 'Ego,' is a defense mechanism of physical beinghood.  When 'the ego' does not know how to solve a problem, or what an ultimate answer is, the 'ego' must come forward for defense and survival.  

Sometimes, it even seems like 'ego' cannot see itself, because the raw reality of 'physicality,' cannot be faced, by 'ego,' but can only be 'faced' by the true inner self who knows peace and eternity are more real, than external reality.  

So, because the 'ego' does not know peace, it makes something up, for it's own survival, and 'truth,' in order to deal with the problems of 'the now.'

When one meditates on 'death,' or even on 'birth,' the ego can do nothing about it !  'Death' and 'Birth' are one point of POTENTIAL in EACH of us, the 'zero-
point' !  

If you are equitable with true inner-self, and with your own mental-peace, the 'reality' of internal self becoming 'externalized,' becomes more apparent, and effortless, and the 'ego' is less necessary.  

The Lotus Flower Petals, the thinking and doing of Human / Humane Behavior brings one to the inner self, and is always flowering.  Doing these behaviors allows one to understand the truer god is within, when one aligns one's mind, heart, brain, and sincerity of seeking, WITH IT...  

It is a very quiet, and egoless place, and it does not bear false witness against others, because it has NO NEED to 'make things up,' in order to survive. 

I find myself surrounded by people who are impatient, unwilling to talk, help, feel, or seek true INNER compassion for themselves.  And they continually make the mistake of 'false witness,' for the sake of survival of the very 'self' whom they are NOT giving enough attention to, by doing the meditation of 'formal reality,' which IS 'birth and death,' the one point of potential WITHIN the Lotus Flower Petals:

1) Sincerity, 2) Truthfulness, 

3) Benevolence,  4) Justice = (Equality, not rape.  Love all life as your own, is true justice...), and 5) Courtesy, (especially if we disagree.)

Doing this work for 'inner' self, allows one their own understanding of the more true / right / greater, 'inner' desires, that eventually DO manifest outwardly, into material reality, and is NOT just for selfish purposes.  That is what we might wish to re-train our own thinking, and our children's thinking, for a better 'future' world, which is also for our own 're-incarnating' selves...  

We ALL always come and go from Earth, as needed...  WHY ? ?   It's because we love ourselves enough to see that if others are confused and suffering, then we also, are affected by it.  And so, we love them, too.  Eventually, you get to a place, with all souls, that there is UNDERSTANDING among those connected to you, and even peace.  Perhaps even peace enough to never have need to again reincarnate in physical reality.  Re-incarnation only occurs due to a personal soul need to UNDERSTAND things.  Problem is, everybody wants just to party, and the whole foundation of life on earth, is BUILT upon that EXTERNAL 'desire.'  

Our 'society' is NOT currently built upon the foundation of inner truth, inner personal peace, and acknowledgement of  ALL 'others' needs as one's own.  This is the need of Earth.  If we ALL begin to continually make dents in our own Internal Realities, by doing this behavior of the Flower of Life, throughout our External Reality, then our COMPLETE reality WILL CHANGE, AND FOR THE BETTER.  

If we are true, faithful, and abide, no angry god can steal our personal, inner, private joy.  Then, there can be, no over-blown, angry, 'gods,' not in the sky, and not on the Earth... 

Halls of Amenti 'God/dess' video, that inspired this blog post is thanks to Romik Kimor on Facebook.  (A double-click on the film, will take you to, to view.)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Some Unbelievable Life Experiences Or 'poor little rich girl' who barely cracked an ice berg... but who tried to, anyway...

A friend gave this photo to me for Christmas 2009:

I have had the luxury of an unbelievable set of life-experiences.  The fact that I have almost nothing to show for it, in the material world, has many reasons, I think...  One of them I learned tonight...  It is that we are not always in complete control of our own destiny, because greater forces of Universal Balance are concerned in our lives.  Yes, yes, yes, our own blind-spots do 'program' the learning experiences that we go through in our incarnations in the material world...  All of the negative ones are unnecessary, in my opinion, since I truly know that universal creation / consciousness, can only 'create' consciousness, or even 'be' creative, IF it is all good, with no evil intent in it, as described by Chang Po-Tuan (Tzu Yang), in his Classic / Path-way, Understanding Reality, Taoist Classics, vol. 2, translated by the wonderful Thomas Cleary, PhD.  If each one of us is NOT doing as the Universe itself DOES, then consciousness itself becomes meaningless and causes needless suffering...  For me, that's straight deductive logic, with no argument.  The Universe has all the power, we are just its seedlings.  We can either choose to move WITH it, or thwart ourselves by bucking it...  I suppose you could say, I chose 'The high road,' in this regard, in that I have made many choices to move WITH the Universe over many lifetimes of experience...  Doing that, causes an unexplainable, and unseen 'power,' that is no power, but a conduit to what the Universe is already doing...

I always claimed my own privacy and personal doing of this work, throughout lifetimes, because I could NEVER explain it to anyone else.  Finding the Taoist Classics in the Summer of 2004, finally gave me the WORDS to explain what my soul was already doing, as FACTS of the Universe, undeniably.  I found it in the short and powerful Commentary on the Classic on Yin Convergence, by the incredible, be-loved scholar Liu-i Ming, Taoist Classics, vol. 3, trans. Cleary, PhD.  What I did not know about humanity, is that for the most part, they had not known of these truths, forgot them, did not believe they work, or, they were hidden from humanity, because humanity is so faithless and belligerent toward even their own material reality, that they can cause extremely unfathomable harm to humans who are attempting to become 'real humans,' as the texts explain, or attain an at-one-ment with internal and external 'nature,'  of the  'self'  that  'nature'  has 'created,'  and in Taoism, attempt to get out of our own way, so that the greater good of ourselves and natures own 'mysteries,'  may carry us like dandelion seeds in mid-summer, to where we truly belong...  It's a soul dream.  And it never has an end...  It is eternal love, as we are, or, eternal merciless, faithless, 'damnation' as we each are.  To harm another, IS to harm the 'self' that creation has created...  Taoism does acknowledge 'destruction' as a 'result' of material creation...  But 'destruction' is not the 'creator,' so it has less 'power,' and as one goes deeper into the acts of creation, the effects of 'destruction,' lessens and lightens up a bit... beyond 3D, for example.  But the 'leap' of faith is required, or one will not be able to manage self WITH creation, at higher levels than 3D...  (just the facts, jack !)

We are each a 'christ,' and we are each a 'heaven,' as we are 'below,' so may we find ourselves to be greater in our goodness and faithfulness of benevolence, 'above.'  No one can 'SEE' this 'attraction,' and 'magnetic' to Universal Law, in 'physical' reality.  (They might be able to 'hear' it in frequency as I sadly found out in this lifetime, and be threatened by IT...)  In fact, I recently realized, from befriending a psychic 'werewolf,' of all the most amazing surprises to me, that 'anger,' 'blame,' 'manipulation,' 'evil,' causes a 'density of consciousness,' where one cannot at all 'see' beyond one's own highest level of incompetence, and all of us have that trivial problem at every level of working with the Universe...  The reason is because it is unfathomably deep inside the figurative and literal black hole of the 'subconscious' one-true-mind, from which all 'creation,' or unconditional love is drawn out into being.  All of it is love.  Once you know this, you begin to do it too.  Why wouldn't you ?  Well, the harsh lessons of physicality, do teach us not to burn ourselves, for one thing.  It's just kind of universal in that way, 'teaching' us that no one is to 'blame,' really, for anything, except our own non-understanding of the love and tolerance that is freely found within the 'self,' when we learn to align with our greater goodness.  Into the 'self' is really the only place you can ever 'go.'  (It sounds really boring to those who have no desire to work with it this way, which is fine.  But it is definitely NOT BORING... :)  The words that become actions are just a guide-post for humans to follow, to learn not to burn themselves... at all levels.  Either we learn, or we don't.  Always know in such a 'yin-yang' universe, to keep at least one eye on your back, as dragonflies do...  And always keep working through the best you can, with where you find yourself, and who you truly are.  Your sincerity will become so delicate, that you would never take it out and try to explain it to someone else if they had not done the work for themselves.  Who would believe you anyway...

Finally ?  Finally, the 'power' of the universe becomes so good upon you, that you do not need 3D, but you realize it wants to keep you, because it needs you...  But you are learning not to burn yourself...  Why would you let a reality that mistreats your self-knowledge, and completely misunderstands what you are doing and who you are, EVER 'burn' you again...  Your 'power' becomes great enough in 'good,' in order to let go of what EVER has the potential to harm you, if you really WANT to.  You will.  Your 'love' for people and things, what you might call 'beauty,' or 'personal love' for example is what will bring you back, in order to realize that 'beauty' is only a perception of the inner self seeing itself in the outer reality...  That's the dangerous part of external 'beauty.'  It is not the 'real,' rather it is your perception that is the only real reflection of the 'beauty,' i.e., your 'love' for being able to recognize 'beauty.'  Who's perception is it ?  Well, yours, but also the greater creators, all of it.  If you offer equally back to 'the creator' what you call 'yours,' it returns ten-and-more-fold...  That's just 'faithfulness,' and humility before the ominous universe.  Let it cradle you, if only you will learn how to let it do so, by getting out of your own way, and giving mercy and love to the real self, not the 'thinking' self...  Turn on the auto-pilot of the Taoist Flower.  Practice it, and it will turn itself on FOR you !  When you begin to fathom its real depth is already in total, inside you, it has a tendency to kind of blow the lid off of 'reality' as we know it.  It deepens love for self, which is all the creator 'wants,' your conscious recognition, that triggers friendship, loyalty to faithfulness, and finally a trust in your own benevolence toward 'your' self, that is exactly like it...  Then, 'you,' can let go of everything, and just be in it, with this very real, very loving creation that actually does respect you, if you respect it...

One exercise that helped me with this was learning to put the feeling of my physical body inside my heart chakra: deep void rectangle darkness, an emerald crystalline rectangle, a hot pink 'something' (don't know what / j'en sais quoi) rectangle on top of the green, and a steaming deep purple mist heart-shape on top of that, is what happened to me.  When I put my physical body 'in' that triple 'fire' of light within me, it brought the mind and body much closer together, less 'separation,' or 'un-reality.'  I don't think I can explain it anymore than that.

For me, I still feel there are great mistakes, or selfishnesses in this universe by the less-conscious ones who wield great 'power' OVER others.  It's sort of like me out in nature, suddenly not wanting to kill even an ant with my bike-tire, and realizing how impossible that might be for the rest of my life.  The good part is this:  It's your INTENT that actually does it.  Right intent, or intent NOT TO DO ANY HARMS, is what causes right subconscious ACTION, AUTO-PILOT 'goodness.'  (The subconscious is a programmable, maleable, 'substance,' but ONLY will it behave easily, if you program it with 'right desire' for your individual self...  Other people's desires are not 'yours,' so the subconscious won't do that for you... 

We are all in process, and we are all at different levels, so don't worry or want what others 'have,' or say you 'should' want.  I was a 'truth-seeker' in this life, and that is ALL I came for, for me, and every single action I have ever made in my life was for that purpose for me to grow, and learn what I needed to know, and it was terribly confusing at times, but I abided, and I actually got somewhere with all the social dilemna's around me, personal and public, to my extreme surprise...  It did take a long time, and all my best efforts, even more than I ever knew I had in me...  I did not 'do it,' IT DID IT for me...  because I strove for 'why's' and for 'self-love,' and against harm toward myself from 'others,' which I still do not understand.  But I try not to look at what they are looking at, because it is their truth, and their 'desire,' to see it their own way, and not my own, and their truth can never be true for me.  First and foremost because it was never the truth of reality to begin with...  I tried to make that clear to every single person I have met in being who I really am...  Some, thankfully, completely understood.  Those who did not, I could do nothing about, anyway... 

I was going to also write about my incredible life-experiences, but after saying all that, I think it's incredible enough to know that much, about the great Tao human...  I'm in awe of it.  But I do not 'chase' it.  When you do the 'work,' it exponentiates itself, and amazingly, IT comes to find you...  It's a whole lot to take on, I know...  But it makes you know, that you are always in process of right process, at least...   
~love, kim / lotusalivelight


Also, doing this, changes all 'light / colors / and even space and 'darkness' into benevolence and justful equality with Nature and Life.  When it kicks in for us, all, after we do a little bit, altogether, we will have done no harms, and we will find it loves us back...  (for once.)  (Hang on !  It's gonna be really fun, when WE can LET it do the greater positive...)

Friday, January 15, 2010

San Graal: Missing Puzzle Pieces

I'm in tears everyday.  There's no one to tell.  There's no one who cares.  There's no one who knows.  There's no one who loves.
My father's look-alike was sitting on Pierre Plantard's lap, the Priory de 'Zion,' in the book Holy Blood, Holy Grail, that was given to me for Christmas in 1992.  At age 2.5 to 3 years old, I was raped by a vicious vampire named 'Donna Rice,' with her finger, that made me sick with 'Graves Disease' ALL OF MY WHOLE LIFE.  It was 1959, the year the Dali Lama was FORCED to leave Tibet, and I am a Taoist, who lost her 'country,' love, marriage, children, family, simple joys, and karma, for a whole lifetime, too...  (Is this not the Illuminati, taking over the world, with child-rape, magnetic theft, and from the Magdalene and Jesus, and doing it with belligerent RAPE, of babes, no less, so they can continue to hold MATERIAL 'world power' with rape, and maintain themselves as 'ruling,' hateful imbeciles ? ?)  

From what I have experienced SINCE 1992, and seeing the photos in Holy Blood, Holy Grail there are TWO MAIN BLOODLINES that the Illuminati USES: One is 'James,' the brother of Jesus, and the other is the 'Magdalene's,' that seems to be the one that there is the most FIGHTING OVER, especially 'feminine' jealousy, and an inability to come to BENEVOLENCE and PEACE amidst the 'royalty claims,' because worldly power and money are attached to the claims of their 'goodness,' and genetic manipulations, by marriage, over the centuries...  Everybody thinks they are the 'good side,' even if they DO rape children, to find out why their Illuminati paradigm of 'following behavior' has caused them to fail in WORLD RULE and WORLD OWNERSHIP...  (see my website for further explanation of my HB,HG photo-experiences: I believe it is explained under the Article 'What Happened To Me.')

ALL of my sexuality, has been turned into HER FINGER, every 'pen' and as every 'penis,' (sounding stupid, I know, but this is how they 'think,' as I found out over the past 22 YEARS of my adult life being forced into dealing with this hell-on-earth they have created...  For me, it is endless rape, and no one can SEE ME; they only see 'HER' !  The hateful, evil trickery and filth that she directed toward me as a baby, has caused everyone to treat me, as if I were HER ! !  (No wonder some child abuse victims 'go crazy...'  It's NOT THEIR KARMA they are having to face...)  When people 'see' me, whom they DO NOT SEE, at all, they think that it is ME who is 'evil' and NOT my child-abuser ! ! !  (They are faithless in 'god,' and I am courageous in my faith in 'god's' benevolence, is the difference between me and 'satan' or those who do not feel, nor do they want to even TRY to feel, 'FAITHFUL' in trusting themselves to BEHAVE BENEVOLENTLY toward their OWN self-behavior, much less Nature's, or 'god's,' but instead, rape it, hide the fact, and use it for material world stability and gain, in order to 'have' it...)  And ALL of her demons surround my whole life, everywhere I go, her look-alikes, her belligerent, imbecile, hateful, worldy-concerned men and women...  (I always thought spirituality came first in life, and that everyone was doing it that way...  HOW WRONG I was, and have been, with regard to their 'royal' behavior of 'save us, won't you ?'...  And they have enforced upon me, with their abuse, me, to continually suffer their party of ignorance, that they insist upon...)  

Not my own karma, and not the people who are LIKE ME, are around me...  It's been horrific, years of tears, years of unjustified rape and destruction of my life, for no reason, but THEIR PROBLEMS, THEIR HATE, and THEIR IDIOTIC, IMBECILE, INSENSITIVE, JEALOUS, THEFT and MURDER of who I am...  totally undeserved, and totally unjustified, since I DO NOT ACT, AT ALL, LIKE THE COUNTLESS WAYS THAT I HAVE BEEN MIS-TREATED ON THIS EARTH, BY THESE SO-CALLED 'HUMAN BEINGS.' (HAR...)  

Why should I, or anyone else, have to pay with our whole lives, for these hateful, denier, belligerent, thieving, soul and life murderers and rapists ? ?  AND STILL, THEY DO NOT CHANGE THEMSELVES !  WHY SHOULD WE PAY ? ?

Doing the Flower of Life, creates an unseen 'power,' for ones self, that moves in tandem with the whole of 'good' or 'creation' in the Universe, because those are the only behaviors that create 'light,' or 'clarity of understanding,' or 'love and tolerance.'  The Illuminati have had trouble with me, because I have so much personal 'power' as a result of doing this work over my incarnations on earth...  But it is not 'worldly' power, and they are clashing with ME, because THAT WORLDLY POWER is all they want from me, and all their paradigm of following behavior SEEKS...  They don't EVER want to make their own leaps of FAITH.  They want a simple seguey from 'the material' to 'the spiritual...'  but it ONLY works if they do it for themselves, which they have not done...  Blame, is only good for one's personal power, and not to be put upon OTHERS  physically, if at all possible.  But to outright, belligerently harm the innocent, is a faithless, godless act of inequity, that can never be justified... not to the innocent, and not to one's self...

one another as the variety of souls doing it...  It is NOT EASY, but it is
the ONLY worthwhile, humane PATH.

The 'Grail Blood' does have abilities, but they are not of the kind that can be SEEN...  And each one born of 'Grail Blood,' IS DIFFERENT from their counterpart others...  The effects of these 'abilities' can be known, tho' as I experienced myself doing them last November 2008, when I transmuted my own fears of the 600,000 year old Yellowstone Volcano going off.  I did this by facing my fear squarely everyday for the whole month of November 2008, until I no longer FELT the fear of it, in my mind, nor in my Yellow, Middle, Third Chakra.  When I no longer FEARED it PERSONALLY, I somehow knew without a shadow of a doubt, that if it ever did go off again, at least, it would not be my fault, and I would not be the one who was responsible for its having done so, just because of my own fear of it.  EVERYONE CAN DO THIS WITH THEIR FEARS, if only you will do it with every fear you have, you will find they cannot exist when you have shined your Conscious Light upon every nuance of each fear, and looked at it as squarely as you can.  Doing this DIFFUSES the unconscious ignition of FEARS becoming REALITY...

For me, Psychic Reality, did not begin CONCSIOUSLY until I was 32 years old:  I was driving on the Southern-most mountain road of British Columbia toward Vancouver, BC, when about 3 a.m. I chanced upon a baby-mountain lion trotting along the road alone, to my left.  He was so happy and unconcerned with harm, that I immediately melted with 'love' for him !  (*Who was I really seeing in him ?  It was my own true, happily oblivious-to-evil, self...)  But just as immediately, his mother, unseen, flew her rage and anger into my brain !  I immediately knew THAT IS NOT ME !  When her mental contact with me REALIZED that I meant him no harm, she 'spoke' to me telepathically in English !  This is what she said, 
"OH !  I'm so embarrassed that I'm a big, ferocious mountain lion who would kill for him !  But I love him so much ! "  Then to her cub, she said, " Ya STUPE ! "  And then she left me to say to myself, "Of 
course !  Telepathy is second nature to animals because they do not have speaking ability like humans ! "   What can one DO with a realization like that ? ?  Well, for me, whenever I am around animals of ANY KIND, I now am aware that they are talking with me telepathically, and they are also aware of it, and love me for knowing it.  All animals who are strangers are usually very kind to me for my recognition of their own 'telepathy,' which for most animals is really only their simple needs.  We ALL know what they mean.  But in some cases, doing this 'translation' for them, is noticed and appreciated, even wild ones.  In this way, we can all walk the world in peace with animals, because they are not usually just out to kill...  (It's only humans and child-rapists, who do that...)

I NEVER SEEK TELEPATHY, personally.  It is not even one of my interests !  But, it finds me, because I have, over many lifetimes, done the Flower of Life Lotus Petal Behavior FOR MYSELF, at least, if not for others:  Sincerity, Truthfulness, Benevolence, Equality (Creates Justice with all Life), and Courtesy.  Doing THIS is HUMANE for self, and does affect others, even if they are not conscious of it.  Why ?  It is because the whole Universe is already DOING THESE THINGS FOR ITSELF...  YOU are NOT SEPARATE from the Universe from which you have sprung into SELF- AWARENESS ! ! !

In fact, at a later time, a young male mountain lion made contact with me, mentally, and I called him 'Voldmort,' because he was so sneeky and hypnotic, that it took me six weeks to realize he'd been mentally connected and 'tracking' me since he 'met' me.  He knew what his name that I gave him, Voldmort, meant, because he had telepathically listened to and 'seen' the movie ! !  That was a surprise for me ! !  I liked him, and he liked me, so I planned to coach him along mentally, into being a better being, knowing more, about life...  We were just honest friends, walking together...  He said he liked me because I was different than most humans, because I was HONEST 
and TRUTHFUL, which he almost never found in stupid humans, who STINK, he said, meaning both Literally AND Figuratively speaking...  That made me laugh, and I agreed with him.  I liked him, because he NOTICED the real me, instead of seeing my child-rapist as myself, the soul-trader whore that she was, and unfortunately, still is and has been for 50 years of my life, a torturous murderer, worse than Voldmort would have ever been to me, because he was smarter than she could have ever been to me...  And he would never have taken a bite out of me the way she did. (Talk about a 'MONSTER ?'  My child-rapist looked like 'the blonde' in the film MONSTER...  Don't they all want to be 'blonde' ?  How about 'Blondie and Dagobert' ? ?  Does that sound like a familiar 'cartoon' needing to balance all these 'earthly,' 3D, iniquities ?) 

Another time, a Tiger danced his powder-puff paws upon the earth for me, and then he let me see him laughing ! !   His whole body rippled with joyful fun when he "Laughed" FOR ME ! ! !  I laughed back, in profound disbelief at his fully self-conscious joyfulness of being 'stealthfully sneeky,' and telepathic in his 'tiger-ness' !

Telepathically once, a HUGE six-foot long, white, Tiger layed his whole body upon me one morning as I awoke, and claws poised, but not striking my skin, showed me Complete Physical Stillness...  It was such a REST for me.  (It was completely and totally non-sexual, by the way.)

I cannot walk the earth with most humans.  Most of them see me as 'Donna Rice,' the opposite and anti-thesis of who I am...  I mostly walk this earth, completely alone, but helping the abherrent illuminati to see their errors in behavior, judgement, bad decisions, and to correct their absolute insensitivities toward themselves, because they have evil INTENT toward others...  It has been such a mess, such a mistake, that I am in tears, and alone, every day.  It's not right.
I'm usually SUCH a happy soul.

I don't want to wake up in another hell, again, just because these so-called 'humans' have the need to catch-up to, and 'balance' 26,000 years of their own rape of innocent goodness to 'balance' their party of idiotic, selfish, thieving, bad behaviors...  denial of same... continuation of same... (Why is 'Jamba Juice' the ad on this page, as I post, if this world is NOT FULL OF EVIL LIARS, hiding the TRUTH, and IN FACT, Raping it ?  Oh, shall we 'Pass the Buck' for one more generation of 'satan's' denial-pineapple-upside-down-cake of theft of SOULS, and INJUSTICE, 'yellow piss and brown feces' murder of babes with RAPE ? ?  Come on, shall we not call a spade, a SPADE ?)