Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Hall-o'-Weenies & Witches

Hi All,

Since both you and I know I go 'round the world, and am forced to FEEL YOUR SNIDELY MAGNETIC RAPE, and I end up talking to nothing but denier, liar, idiot demons and devils EVERYWHERE I go, all year long, I thought I'd give you a piece of your own imbecile mind(s), on my own behalf ! :)

First of all, you all know you have raped me, IN ORDER to hear what I have to say. Yet STILL you demons murder, yourselves, and me, and call it 'free will.' I personally, am done with you, and will never return to this low of a world with the lowest-of-life on top, you soul-thieving, baby-f'ers !

I'm disappointed at how little true Living and Loving of yourselves and others, ALL OF them, you have done. You have missed the whole point of LIFE, completely. Your excuse is you are 'weak,' and 'NOT READY...'

I'll say ! You refuse to abide, or LOVE. Only thing you have ever done, is thwart for power, and deny that you are doing it. Will you EVER be ready to SHIFT ? I doubt it.

You know, you fuck your sisters, rape your daughters, sleep with your mothers, and kill your own loving behavior, the 'christ' in you, when you allow children to be RAPED...  'Christ' is whom all were given to become. ALL then, have become deniers of the 'GRAIL OF HOW TO LIVE' in Sincerity, Truthfulness, Benevolence, Equality and Courtesy. And you deny this GRAIL (SAN GRAAL & SANG RAAL) who DOES LIVE among you, and who IS you, and DOES BALANCE YOUR 3D FORMAL REALITY WITH THE ONE 'GOD.' You deny this GRAIL, even your assistance... This 'GRAIL' HAS DONE THE WORK, AND IS STILL DOING ALL THE WORK of balancing your formal, 3D Earth, FOR YOU, Now, For Centuries, Milleniums, and Aeons, and who is in me, the SAME as it is in YOU.

Little me, who lives on the other side of this Universe, your 'twin' Universe, in this particular Yin/Yang Curve, came all the way down here, and through to you from Andromeda's golden love, and whom you have raped IN ORDER to tell you this, you deniers and non-doers of the ONE true love of LIFE.

ou all are a sorry lot, 'ken,' you stupid imbecile, fascist, jap. Are YOU the one where all of this denial has come from, and IS, COMING FROM for the past 3,000 years ? ?

You thieves deserve your plight. You truly deny yourselves your own true love, and light, in your denial of your 'betters,' your BABES IN ARMS.
O' WELL.  I guess you all WANT & DESERVE your wars, you idiot, liar, denier, war-horde of lords, murdering your own daughters / sisters, WITH your lovers, and then 'forgetting' you have done so...

SHUT UP. Your 'free will' means nothing, if you do harm.

Lest god sees fit to spit on you.

happy halo wed evening


and my brother-healer from Andromeda, Mr. Marley to you too, Scrooge... :)  (I feel SO MUCH better.,,)  (

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