Thursday, July 22, 2010

Magdalene Murdered Alive On Earth, & Endlessly Repeating

July 22, 2010, Thursday

The fight to tell the Real Truth, never ends...

All Time is One Time.  All Love is One Love.

My own personal 'sacred' and psychic connection with 'Rainbow Serpent' who showed itself to my mind's 'eye' in Lucid Vision, between 1-3 pm on Saturday, January 9, 2010, as a Giant, Light-Being, ALIVE, Benevolent, Smiling, Joyful, Balancing of All Colors of Human Chakras, as a 'yin-yang' curve up the middle of our own Sun !  I was absolutely surprised, amazed, and overwhelmed by it's hugeness, intense colors, beauty and complete sense of immediate, loving, joyfulness.  

My 'psychic' enemies, laughed at me, that day, for my 3 months of magnetic enslavement, inability to move my body, due to my personal 'thermometer' (thyroid gland) being broken (in the dead of a very cold winter in Colorado), and my absolute physical paralysis from all the magnetic aberrations that humans have caused over the last 3500 years, especially.  

Here is a video report of the Science of 'Rainbow Serpent':

The viciousness and 'violentia' of Rome IS STILL GOING ON, but the 'Magdalene's' of Earth, are barely included in their own story, since it is 'not known,' or more likely, just not EVER told, or even acknowledged, for the politics of the patriarchal 'orders' sake...

What follows is an Article about this date, 7/22 being the Magdalene's Feast Day.  It just so happened to turn out that this Article mentions ALL the Numbers of my own Life, murdered alive by Child-Rape from the Catholic Church with its 'Guenevere' as 'Magdalene,' instead of the 'Real Blood' of the Magdalene's bloodline revered, and understood as a larger Earth - Physically & Psychically connected BEING, but rather, is raped in murder alive, and swept beneath the carpet, where no on can hear, see, feel, or even notice her enforced murder alive, OR more is the case, all CHOOSE not to understand, or care, much less, believe, even if backed-up with photos, and facts, all is ignored.

(My doctor's, dentists, and social workers are letting me die of my '17' infected, rotting teeth, that are poisoning my blood and organs, due to the complication of Graves Disease, an over-abundance of Thyroid Hormone that attacks the fine calcium in the body (first the Teeth, and then the Bones, prior to treatment.)  The treatment, Radioactive Iodine 131, takes about 2 years for the body to stabilize, and Thyroid Hormone must be replaced by prescription, thereafter.  This is now a 51 year process of their killing of me with child-rape, causing pituitary trauma, and subsequent long-term Hyper-Thyroidism, which when it is long-term, causes the more severe 'Graves Disease.'  My teeth complication is reparable, but since I have been unable to work, due to radioactive treatment sapping all of my energy, regularity of sleep pattern, headaches from the prescription, and blood-infection from the teeth that have been attacked by too much Thyroid T3 & T4 hormones, I have no money to pay for the teeth being extracted and fixed with dentures.  All inquiries on my part, have met with ignoring my pleas for help, & ON ALL FRONTS, nothing but hatred, mistaking me as my child-rapist, socially, and forcing me to 'write the book' they broad-cast from my 'in-k,' (magnetically), as all of my pens have become their female child-rapist 'fin-ger,' and outright lies and stupidity, toward me socially.  And their incessant, unrelenting RETRIBUTION against me for attempting to Tell the Truth, of ALL of this, Publicly.  I would guess these are the SAME NUMBERS utilized to 'identify' and kill ALL 'Magdalene' Bloodline Beings / Entities on Earth, if they incarnate here.  At the very least, they are the major 'numbers' of my own life, and the murder of all my own joyfulness, and genocide of all my soul-connections that I brought into this life.)

To me, from a friend, Thursday, July 22, 2010:  Magdalene's Feast Day

Walking On Water:

She came and spoke to me for the fourth time in my “knowing being”. I know her as Mary Magdalene. Her voice like silk through the ether's. She said to me; “Gloria..... 
Magdala..... Amygdala.”

This is the story of my life and the events that brought me to this sacred place, where knowledge, divine wisdom, and unimaginable love is freely shared. I have had many, many mystical experiences in my life, including my own death at the age of 17, and subsequent return to this good earth upon my own request.

I invite you to join me now, as I begin to share with you the series of mystical events that opened up the Kingdom of Heaven, on earth as it is in........................
.......and so it is
The Fish, (Age of Pisces, that Earth is now transiting from, into Age of Aquarius.)

Have you ever wondered why there are so many different ENERGETIC disorders around now that either did not exist or were extremely rare - as little as a decade ago? The number of cases of people diagnosed with Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Lupus, and depression in every shape and form has grown exponentially over the last ten years. There was a time no one had even heard of Fibromyalgia, a crippling myofacial disease that strikes mainly women, and now 1 out of 20 women can expect to develop the disorder at some point in their life. Have you ever wondered why so many women (one out of every two) are taking an average of 1.5 psychotropics? Or why the number of cases of autism in children has jumped from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 100 in a mere 20 years? Why all the energetic disorders?

I asked myself these questions – and more – to the point that my being became on fire. I knew there was a connection – a common cause or source for the myriad of energetic disorders that are crippling the human race at this point in time– but I couldn’t connect the dots. What is it that we are doing to ourselves to create the first decline in life expectancy? My body felt as if some electrical current had gone past the limit it could safely contain – as I strained toward that “knowing” I couldn’t quite reach. Couldn’t quite taste. Yet, it was at the tip of my comprehension, nibbling around the periphery of perception like so many fish on mossy dock pilings.

(Page 3)
I decided to pray and meditate about it.  Over the years I've learned how to 'ground’ myself when my being becomes “all fired up”: I anoint my body and inhale the oil of Spikenard, the same oil that Mary Magdalene used to annoint Jesus at the
home of Lazarus. This time, as always, the oil helped me to
anchor me being so that I could process the light body of information streaming through me.

That is when “she” came and spoke to my “knowing” being for the fourth time. She spoke to that part of me – which is in all of us - that receives and reveals information that is heard, felt, understood, and treasured - through the spiritual senses. From underneath – outward. I know her as Mary Magdalene. Her voice is like silk through the ethers. She said to me, “Gloria, Magdala. A m y g d a l a “.

That was all I needed to hear. Like Columbus’s ships sailing to shore in clear view, yet invisible to the natives because they lacked the matrix of consciousness needed to process the information – there it was – right in front of me all the time. The relationship was now clear. At first my body rocked with the profundity of the obvious. Amygdale literally translates to “almond shaped”. The Vesica Pisces formation, Holy of Holies, as is the Song of Solomon, or Soul of Man, the sun and the moon. This sacred geometry is the blueprint from which all other geometries spring. AMM-GD-ALA, My God Ala, or AM. OHM, Brahma, God, Allah, the trinity of spiritual belief systems in ONE. There is nothing we should be fighting over on this planet.

(Page 4)
The word “amygdala” (almond”), accurately describes the set of nuclei that neuroscientists refer to as the source of “divine inspiration”. Part of the limbic system, the ancient region of the brain that began to develop in fish over 500,000 years ago and then fully emerged in reptiles (also referred to as the “reptilian” brain) , the amygdala is the only area of the brain that has direct access to external stimuli through the sense of smell via the olfactory. All other brain functions process information from the senses only after it has been “filtered”.

Amygdala; Balance / inbalance; Secrets – truths revealed, symbols etc. – and why now ? Then tie it together with the
last paragraph.

Poor amygdalic functioning has been associated with anxiety, autism, depression, narcolepsy, post-traumatic stress disorder, phobias, and schizophrenia. Lesion studies with monkeys have shown that when the amygdala is impaired before six months of age, individuals have difficulty adapting to social life. This is because the amygdala is necessary not just for experiencing emotions like fear, but also for modeling and quickly recognizing the presence of these emotions in others. Thus a damaged amygdala has become associated with the condition of autism, or social-blindness.

“Magdala– AMYGDALA”

Here I insert some of Margaret Starbird's work on the Magdalene (In my opinion, anyone wishing to know more about Mary Magdalene, must read Starbird's groundbreaking and devotional work.)

At one of Margaret's workshops, she regaled the audience with the story of "153 fish" and the gematria for the Magdalene.

Mary Magdalene presents us the archetype of the "Earthen vessel filled with the Spirit," and her feast day, 22-7 reflects that understanding of her importance.

Now we will do the calculation for the area of the circle with the “7” radius. The formula is “pi” (22/7) times the square of the radius (7 x 7 = 49). 22/7 x 49 is 154.  If you use the alternative decimal version of “pi” (3.14) the result 153.86 is even more obviously connected to Mary Magdalene, because the Greek gematria of her title, “H Magdalhnh” actually adds up to 153.  So, using principles of sacred geometry in use at the time the Gospels were written, by virtue of her feast day (7/22) 
and the gematria of her honorific (153), she is shown to be the “Model” or embodiment of the human person as “sacred partner” of the Divine.

The "153" is highly significant as a symbolic number in the canon of the Greek geometers.  It is the denominator of the ratio used to represent the square root of 3 (265/153) and is a numerical abbreviation for the "Vesica Piscis" ()--the "Vessel of the Fish" or "Measure of the Fish."  This shape is the shared space when two circles are drawn together so that the edge of one passes through the center of the other." ~See:

The Blue Rose....Alchemy

[ Insert: by this Blog's Editor:  Reference: See works by Paschal Beverly Randolph (October 8, 1825– July 29, 1875) was an American medical doctor, occultist and writer.  Randolph is notable as perhaps the first person to introduce the principles of sex magic to North America, and, according to A.E. Waite, establishing the earliest known RosicrucianUnited States [1]  (from Wikipedia)

I thought his book was called, 'The Rosicrucian Enlightenment,' in which it is told how women eventually do die from the germs associated with sexuality, especially those who are child-raped, and then reapeatedly 'whored' by the so-called 'men' in their lives, who have no intention of taking them seriously, and who cheat them out of real, mature, loving behavior.  (Do many men EVER 'mature,' I wonder ?)  Child-rape victims are not only physically, and psychically abused, but SOCIALLY ABUSED, not to mention, the bio- and magneto- and SOCIAL Parasiticism, that occurs to those who are child-raped.  (What gentleman these days would love a woman enough not to kill her with their togetherness sexually ?  Just THINK of those 'politics.') ]

Article Continued:  

I have been sharing this information with my students now for several years. In the class I teach called: “Total Sensory Integration” ™ ©

We utilize the skills of Polarity, wonderful healing work by Randolph Stone. We learn to balance of the pairs of opposites. The amygdala being two almond shaped groups of nuclei located within the medial temporal lobes of the brain.
Why is this so important?   Let's look at a little Greek mythology.

"Plato wrote in his Symposium that humans have been looking for their soul mate ever since Zeus cut them in half. In his mythic story, Plato describes a world where there were men, women and people who were both men and women. Apparently, humans began discussing how they could climb up to heaven and replace the gods. The gods were upset by this and discussed what should be done. The simplest solution would be to destroy mankind, but Zeus came up with a better idea. He suggested cutting all human beings in half. This would serve two purposes. First, it would immediately double the number of people making offerings to the gods. Second, it would weaken the humans, so they would not be able to carry out their plan. Zeus' idea was accepted, and the humans were all divided into two. Naturally, the humans were upset at this, and Zeus decided to enable each half to have intercourse with their opposite, symbolically creating a whole. Consequently, the males sought their female half, and the females sought their male half, allowing them to reproduce."
I quickly realised that in balancing the pairs of opposites, becoming ONE Whole person unified....also required something called, Embedding,. I found that in my own life, embedding took place in my being, the 'knowing' and IN-sights came from caring, from the open heart. Every time I was given an insight, it was because I CARED AND ASKED FOR ANSWERS.

It was an open heart. It was the greatest of these, it was LOVE.

During another meditation, I saw the earth come spinning at me, while the narration in the background (hers) told me: “and the last shall be first and the first shall be last”...around the earth was written the name; EARTH (Just like the Universal Studio's Logo) and the H at the end spun off and rotated around the earth and became the first letter, now spelling HEART.

Then she said: The original name of earth was actually heart, until the 'key' fell out (here I am shown a triangle) and fear and chaos swept in.

In the gospel of Thomas, Jesus states: Jesus said, Many are standing at the door, but it is the solitary who will enter the bridal chamber. We must enter the BRIDAL CHAMBER? The heart is known to have 4 chambers. Once we enter in Love and service, in reverence, we stoke the flame in our heart - h entering the upper heart chakra which has the same resonance as the Earth. Entrainment.

This opens up the pineal gland or third eye, and yes, the eye becomes singular.

This is the doorway into inner dimensions and the central sun.
We have the two almond halves of the amygdala and the pineal, the trinity of the singular eye piercing through the veil of illusions, the 'key stone' to the Bridal Chamber, holy of holies.
“In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you.” John 14:2

Once one has the 'key', one can enter the Kingdom / Queendom of Heaven.

Jesus said to them, "When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter [the kingdom].

During these times, it is important for us to balance the pairs of opposites to navigate through our entrance into the age of Aquarius, the age of the return of the fisher king, the return of the Magdalene and the divine feminine.

The Magdalene is known as the patron saint of Alchemist's. The Baine Marie is named after Her.

Our limbic system, is the alembic to distill our base materia into alchemical Gold. I'm a genie in a bottle, baby. Look to the Tarot card, 'The Star' to see the alchemist of the Aquarian Age, queen Magdalene in her distillation process of turning us into 'angels of man', on the fixed cross

Next: The Astrology of the Ages

Vesica Pisces

Editor's Note: It is my belief, that it is the stories themselves in spiritual traditions which were important, not any one particular belief or faith. All traditions teach us how to access our highest self. <3
The Holy Grail

My Comments For This Post Given to Me, 7.22.10, Thursday:

1)  Kim:  It is a blessing you gave this to me, Gloria. These are completely, ALL the major NUMBERS in and of, my own life, that have been completely and totally torn asunder, in TOTAL. All of their natural progression has been Usurped & Destroyed, for theft, selfishness and Use. I cannot Care-y the 'inhumanes' who have done this, since they are using the energy as a 'commodity,' in total oblivion, disrespect, and thoughtlessness of the One, in All.

2)  Kim:  The Catholic Church are voracious, vicious killers, 
in fact, murderers, of the 'sacred' for their Use, dissemination, and excuses to Continue in the Same manner. Why shouldn't One do ALL the suffering for mankind's misperceptions, and outright misbehaviors at the 'top.' Shall we call it that ?

3)  Kim:  My choices have been Only: 'enforced suicide,' or 'murder.' And that is STILL, all I have right now, amidst the 'powers that be.'

Gloria's Reply

Kim, you are welcome and very glad to hear that you feel it was a blessing.  As for the church, well they are an interesting breed, especially with those pretty red leather shoes and I agree that it is criminal to have hidden the truth of the divine feminine to create such a state of imbalance on planet earth and in us.  I don't think all are criminal, I don't think they even know themselves.  I am not sure what you mean about suicide...not liking the sound of that at all.  Blessings to you Kim, I hope all is well with you. ♥

4)  Kim:  Yeah, 'In' ME, my body, with their criminal 'guenevere' Fin-ger, german, germs, and I'm dying from it, their 'fin-ger-NAIL,' of a demon-dyke 'guenevere' look-alike, when I was only age '3' (for 3rd dimension), with nothing but hatred from ALL of their 'doctors.' The Pope visited me today, again, glaring me down, and me glaring back... 'Family' that are Stupid, and Care Not. All of them are criminal Pedophiles, and That is how they look for 'proof' of 'god,' with Murder, By The Numbers, NO LESS... (And they make SURE it can't be heard, and is swept under the 'car-pet.' Talk about 'oil,'... They know Exactly what they are doing.) ;(

Gloria:  Are you ok?

July 22 at 6:57pm

5)  Kim:  No Gloria, I'm NOT OK... They are enforcing my murder-suicide because they won't pull my 17 teeth left, complication from Life-long Graves Disease, caused by child-rape, (Pituitary Trauma, causing HYPER-Thyroid), of which they have been letting me die for 10 long years, even after treatment, the rotting teeth, now poisoning my blood, and infecting my vital organs.  I visited the DDS for 3 roots-left-only, yesterday, and the 'music' made her put me off for 2 more weeks of pain and penicillin, after 2 1/2 years of trying to find and get help for the teeth.  I'm in so much pain, I can't leave my room. The Pope is NOT 'spiritual,' he is ONLY Psychic, and an imbecile of torture, at that. [He's so stupid, he put 'W' in my face 6 months ago, showing me why his nickname is 'W,' because he can commit infanticide with a 'flick of his 'Wrist.' I was horrified... And 'W' is one of the few 'gentlemen' they've got, but ALL of them are So In-The-Box Stupid, FOR MONEY & 'Power' that is Stolen via their Murders and Rapes of Babes, over CENTURIES of 'blood-line' fighting, and cross-breeding.  (I'm a real 'throw-back,' much to their ignorance & even chagrin, being born under the 4 Equal Side 'numbers' of the Great Pyramid, (756.2 cubits each side,) & pointing to the 'Jesus Star,' (! ! !) as I was, and WHY they raped me with 'Guenevere's' 'fin-ger,' to avoid blame for WWII...  when I, as 'Amelia,' was already 'dead' for the whole of WWII.  AND THAT I HAVE FOUND ALL THIS OUT, as a result of 2 solid years of searching for answers as to Why they would rape me, such a good soul, and doing SO MUCH WORK FOR EARTH 2012 transitions, magnetically, and psychically, that has taken ALL my time, energy, effort, with no pay or recognition AT ALL from any of 'them,' except compassionless hatred, and insistence they have a 'right' to murder me alive, without any remorse, or restitution.

I've had to put up with Psychic HORRORS from them ALL. It's been UN-Believable. Them, (dark 'pope,' light 'pope,' Donald Trump, 'W,' Dick Cheney, Obama stealing my sacred prayer with Rainbow Serpent 2 weeks ago, ETC. It's been nothing short of Satanic. Them, NOT KNOWING wtf I am, a gold-space ship, that they want to stick their 'finger' in, plunder, and I flew off, 10 miles into 'space' to prevent their thieving, grasping, finger in me... This has been going on with them and me solidly since they 'elected' the current pope, presidents, ON ME, via 'sex magic' 'dick' via their 'fin-ger voodoo,' for me consciously, since 1992.  No one CAN, or IS helping me...  And no one KNOWS, But Me...  There's the rub.  How many lifetimes must I suffer and die for their PARTY ? ? ? ? ? ? ?  Control, and NON-Benevolence ?  I CAN NOT CARE-Y Them.  They must Change.  I have no resources.  I have no recourses, but to endlessly do the spiritual / material / universal balances and corrections FOR THEM, where they REFUSE.  They crucify the 'sacred' on a daily basis, and HIDE THE FACTS that they are using our souls for their False 'Power', 'Control,' & Especially, their Materialities.  I apologize to U, Gloria, for spilling these True, but Awful 'Truths'. [I am their 'gladiator,' and Russell (he looks like my own brother, and we are quite alike in similar predicament with this 'Church' of Hell, depicted in 'Gladiator,') helped me as much as he could, yesterday.  The 'light' Pope, 'family' tho' he may be, is still a rapist of his own 'daughter' with a demon-dyke, so they can continue their False World Bloodline Rulers...).  But they are MANY, and they are such evil stupidity, that I am unable to cope, on a daily basis, much less face coming back here to Earth to work for them, in endless rape and sorrow, ever again.]  ;(( 

Gloria replied
I am so sorry to hear that you must suffer through all this.
This may not mean much, but we are eternal beings and this is a 'flash' of time, this life we all have.

I agree, the pope is evil, there is no question in my mind.
I pretty much agree with most of what you said, but will have to reread this when I have more time to think.
AS it is, I am late for an appointment already and must run.
I will pray for you.

There is the light, the truth and the WAY, it has been obfuscated and diluted and far, far worse to be sure.
Until I can return to read this,
I send healing/reiki energy to you.

July 22 at 7:44pm

6)  Kim said:  He is 'Ben' as our father, (my Nephew, 'Ben,' by my father-brother 'Bruce-Wayne' in real life), are BOTH Catholic 'Ben' & Federal Ban-'K' Jewish 'Ben,' not realizing they are killing their own daughter and son, ALIVE... over ALL these centuries of fighting over 'bloodlines,' and because dad's ambitious, forced to be so, amidst all of them, has forgotten himself in these 3500 years of Ambition, and is himself, in their Illuminati Games of 'survival of the inner-circle,' while they rape the 'Magdalene' to Mars, Saturn, & Neptune... and don't EVER clue her in, NOT EVER.  (Over the 3500 years since my enforced murder-suicide in ancient Japan, and from which, in this life, I have re-met the same 3 souls who enforced it then, now full-on ass-covering Catholics, and raping me INTO the Catholic Church now, after 2,000 years of keeping me OUT of it.  And YET, they are STILL my murderers ? ? ? ?  The male of the 3 souls (the other 2 are female), is 'The 7th Son of the 7th Sun', Lou Reed AS Louis Carroll (!) 'Alice-Guenevere,' (while I kick her rapists out of the Sun FOR HER !  Do you think she could ever do me the same favor ? ?)  AND Buckingham-Nix, AND 'The Buckingham's,' ALL as Bart Buchalter, back-stabber to my whole adult life...)  Do you think they did not spend the last 2,000 years STEALING the ease toward 4th Dimension from 3rd, and BEYOND from Mankind on Earth, and without Heart ? ? ?  And are NOW CONTINUING IT by murdering, and genociding me AGAIN ? ? ?

'Dad' is enjoying himself with his own daughter's 'grail bloodline' 3500 year old murderers, who laugh at us, and care not one single iota for our suffering, and ALL are in TOTAL CONFUSION, while 'partying' on our souls very WORK, and LYING TO US, confusing us on purpose, and shoving us into a hell-hole to work for them FOR HOW MANY LIFETIMES TO 
COME ? ? ?

Thanks for the u-nderstanding, Gloria.  It's taken me 51 years to figure out why they tore Tibet asunder, with my Rape, and then force me to sit here doing 'magnetic monk' for them, husband-less, child-less, mother-less, father is an Imbecile-Murderer, who does not know himself, doesn't WANT to, 'can't know himself,' and all my 'friends' look like, and stupidly, insensitively, unthinkingly, ACT like various versions of my child-abuser. Then, this Pope told the Dalai Lama it was MY fault, in their soul-trading, child-RAPING Dyke-Fin-ger LIES, when I was personally BORN looking 'Chinese' and DOING the Flower of LIFE for myself: 1) Sincerity, 2) Truthfulness, 
3) Benevolence, 4) Equality with all of Life = Justice, 5) Courtesy, WHICH THEY NEVER DO.  'Bart' currently, wants ME to personally PAY for ALL the past 3500 years of Asian History, TOO.  (So he can keep his position with Sirius, and other connections.  Do you think he will EVER stop stabbing me in the back ? ? ?  I don't think he even COULD STOP.  He certainly won't stop his black & white 'Milky Way' Ownership of the Great Central Sun, with Demon Cabriolet-Taxi's, who don't want 'taxes,' while we have NOTHING, and they have EVERYTHING, because they raped and murdered us...

And no one is stopping him, or her.  And I don't have any strength or even social understanding to stop him.  He's a USER, all by the numbers, no feelings at all, and constantly stealing 'love and 'sexuality' from me, with nothing BUT endless hatred, and non-tolerance for MY preferences, which I am not allowed, and can't even FIND in this enforced genocide of myself, my fellows and our resonant frequencies they are stealing, and murdering from us...)  

How can I care-y them, when even the simplest word, 'sincerity' makes no SENSE to any of them, Especially NOT BMW 735, silver Alfa Romeo, turned Z3-4 Bart, and Especially not Dumb 'Dad,' who's so self-important, so deeply ensconced in ALL directions of this EVIL, that he's got himself into enough confounding trouble that he wants ME to Explain 'Satan' Bart, to all 'gods' in the sky, and Sirius, who are the result of this 3500 & 26,000 year old murder of me, BY Bart, who conveniently, 'doesn't remember' ?  Yeah, and I'm supposed to argue all 'Ben's' cases, in 'heaven,' while Bart & unwitting Dad and Brother, let 'mother / babysitter - strangers' stab me in the u-know-what, with 'Guenevere' on Earth...  And ALL of these 'Races / Blood-lines' FIGHT over WHO can ENSLAVE &/or OWN, the REAL Blood of the Magdalene on Earth, YET HIDE THE FACT, even from the Real Magdalene Blood that they are Usurping and USING for Wars, Weather,  Politics, and everything inbetween...   I'm sorry too... ;/ k. 

Kim said:  For the Record:  I did NOT come into this incarnation, all the way from 8th Dimension, and 3500 years of work, that is now resulting in repeated confusion and clean-up, for me, and everyone else from here to Sirius & Andromeda, NOT TO tell the whole TRUTH, stop my own suffering, and that of Earth's, and be finished with it ALL, IN ONE LIFETIME.  I've had enough of my personal enslavement, and torture and murder, and enforced suicide, absolute horror, without any compassion or feelings of Love toward me from anyone in my life.  I did NOT spend 51 years retracing 26,000 years, NOT to FINISH THIS Evil, Hateful, Story of Falsity among humans, IN TRUTH, Once and For All TIME, and in All of my own 'dimensions.'  I've had ENOUGH of the misbehavior of this planet, toward itself, and toward me, that IS affecting everywhere and ALL 'Dimensions' of Peace, with hateful non-doing of their OWN WORKS, and raping it from others INSTEAD, to 'advance' themselves where they have not earned.  I have been ILL with FEVER from this infection of these '17' teeth, with NO HELP, NO CARE, and NO CONCERN, NO Finances OR resources, and nearly unable to even THINK, due to ALL THE PSYCHIC INTERFERENCE IN MY LIFE FROM THE 'Powers That Be.'  They are daily threatening me with homelessness, as I write THIS.  It has been a Horror, BEYOND my WILDEST DREAMS, a Repetition of a 3500 year old enforced murder-suicide.  When WILL IT END ?  When will the FALSE 'his-her-story' and the rape-murders & endless inhuman(e) wars OVER, & among 'blood-lines' and 'importance' without reverence at all for anyone, or Earth, END ?

Sincerely yours, kim (embarrased beyond BELIEF, but telling the truth, ANYWAY...)

lotusalivelight Channel at:  where there are the Links to all my other websites online.

See Also:  Wayne Herschell's Site,  
for further information on the 'Great Pyramid' and World Pyramids, and the site has a very large volume of information, beginning at: