Sunday, September 5, 2010



Since Earth & Atmosphere are ONE Living Entity, that we are not only IN, but WITH, our sounds, hearts, LOVE are magnetically connected with 'it.'  Magnetic Grid of Earth, IS US !  All world Pyramids are aligned to various Star-points in the Cosmos, as part of the connected Grid to EARTH !  We can help to re-balance ourselves 'magnetically' with Earth and the Cosmos, by way of SOUND, because it is also 'Light,' & Heart.

The ancient name 'Ra,' is the name for our Living Sun, the source of our life here on Earth.  So when we call it aloud, in timing with our breath, it synchronizes & harmonizes our breath, body, mind, heart-beats with Earth-Sun magnetosphere.  For the next YEAR, we can EASE our transition, if we HONOR IT BY DOING THE FOLLOWING MEDITATION, each night as you go to sleep, or each morning when you arise:

USE 'RAHHHHH' on your out-breath & 'RAHHHHH' on your in-breath. This makes us each at One with our Sun, Center of Earth, Central Sun of Milky Way, & BEYOND, realigns EVERYTHING to BALANCE, & ONEness.  Believe & receive the inner unconditional love that is coming our way.  It is all good with no evil in it, pure heart love from center of cosmos, connected to us on Earth.  In this way, we will BREATHE, WITH the Cosmos.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

How The 'Illuminati' Torture & Rape the Great Pyramid "Jesus Star" Souls Born on Earth

This Torture & Rape IS Being Done so 'Rulers' can climb the Ladder of Baby-Lon Without DOING ANY OF THEIR OWN WORK, Because, "THEY CAN'T" Do It...  And don't want to do it for themselves, ANYWAY !

Welcome to Earth's Incompetent & Murderously SOUL-THIEVING, 'Leaders'


Between You (in United States) and 
David (in Ireland)

David August 4 at 3:55pm
Hey (me), how are you? are you on msn, I would like to talk to you there x :)

Hope the operation went well.

Love and light to you

me: August 4 at 7:13pm
I'm so sorry David, I'm using Linux Free Software / Operating System, & have NEVER HOOKED UP 'VOICE' at all. [ MicroSoft Vista was nothing BUT horror, hackers, messing with me, so I've spent 2 years with Linux... ;( ] Send me your phone number, now, and I can call you FOR FREE TO US BOTH ! I'd be glad to hear ya, and talk ! :))
August 4 at 7:38pm
me: WHERE ARE YA, DK ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? I'm at *-***-***-****. (From Ireland, you might have to use a U.S. code prefix) Call me, or I'll call YOU !  living love 2u, me :)

August 4 at 9:33pm
me: BTW: My Bruce-Wayne-Janet-Michael 'Family' made me go through INFECTED oral-surgery with NO ANESTHESIA, except 'novocane' that DID NOT WORK. It was a real 'war,' the EVIL BABY-RAPER BIRD-FINGER ASSHOLES of the 'Annunaki' HORRORS FROM HELL, ON EARTH, blaming the WRONG 'party,' here. Nothing but 'Caveman F- -  K.S.' (that's me k.s., the 'graal blood' they are all so afraid of, & hateful toward, and raping me to death alive... Fuck the cat-jew EARTH... and that's ALL of them...) but thx, for askin'... ;(

August 4 at 9:42pm
me: How's THAT, for a girl whose vicious, ambitious father, over 3500 years, has made himself BOTH Vatican Pope, Spanish Pope, and Federal Bank, & who forces his OWN daughter to be raped by her brother, with HIS OWN WIFE'S 'babysitter finger-NAIL,' while they have a nice time with all my karmic soul-work, and FORCE ME TO BE WORLD BROAD-CAST LIBRARIAN, with no love, no money, no car, no friends, BUT cave-man rapist masterbater, 'D.K.,' Troll-Reptilian, and who can't tell the truth about it, or EVEN self-reflect AND STOP HIMSELF from psycho-sexually-raping me unless I END our friendship... So I DID end our friendship.  That leaves me with NO ONE in the whole world to care about me, or help me, now.  CAN U SEE THE ILLUMINATI NOW ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ;/ 

BTW: 'Charles' Chase is my adoptive grandfather, of my 'born of rape' mother, who raped her daughter with a 'babysitter,' named Donna Rice, satan's Troll-Reptillian DEVIL, for the 'don-donna' Church of SOUL THEFT rape & murder of BABIES, by the British Crown. 

me: This 'Zom-bee' came and stole 'black serpent' from my eyes to his 'eyes,' while I was resonantly praying with Rainbow Serpent of the Sun, during Summer Solstice month 2010 (6.21.10 - 7.21.10)...  I'm SO TIRED OF THE SATAN NEEDY 'Rulers'.... ANY BODY WITH ME ? ? ? ? (i'm tired of being murdered for nothing but theft and greed, and no love given to me either...)
Presidents, Popes, 'Leaders' Stay in Power, Based on Rape of Babes, Especially those born under ANY Numbers of the Great Pyramid, or World-wide Pyramids, which ALL POINT AT STARS.  They are raping ALL OF US, as the 'heavens' and murdering us alive, to do their work for them: = BABYLON MONSTERS.  HAIL, SATAN, THEY DO, MURDER FOR MONEY and soul-work, they could NEVER DO...  ;/((  [This & ALL 'Presidents' & world 'leaders' (since 1959, have been based on my child-rapist and any sexuality in my life, accesses MY SOUL for their Whims & Desires), and then specifically based on my first boyfriend, a Greek, I met in Birmingham, Alabama in 1974, who was the Paul Simon song, curiously, "If I was the President," and SINCE then, the Illuminati have made themselves 'Leaders' ON ME, BEHIND MY BACK.  [cunt-stabbers with demon-dyke fin-ger-nail...  Can U see the real CUNTS of Satan's 'illuminati' RAPISTS YET ?]